Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Day Program (SRDP)
The UBC Hospital's 'Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Day Program' in Vancouver provides comprehensive treatment for persons with schizophrenia. The program runs Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to mid afternoon. Individual therapy sessions are arranged with the primary therapist. Family counseling is available. Read our patient's comments about the Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Day Program.
Check In:
This is a discussion and sharing group focusing on weekend experiences, left over issues from the previous week and current issues.
Planning and Goals:
Goals for the week will be identified as well as areas of concern. Each group member will develop Long term goals, short term goals and weekly action plans.
Orientation and Discussion:
This is a verbal activity group focusing on group building, welcoming new members and preparing members for discharge.
Social Interaction:
Group members will have the opportunity to develop and practice ways of communicating and interacting effectively.
Meal Management:
Group members will be involved in meal planning, purchase of food and food preparation. They will develop an awareness of nutitrition and healthy diets.
Health Promotion:
This group will emphasize balanced healthy living habits and basic self care. Topics may include hygiene, nutrition, chronic illness, sexuality, tobacco, alcohol and street drugs etc.
Medication Rounds:
Group members will learn to identify the medications they take, how they work and side effects and how to manage them.
Stress Management:
Group members will learn to identify sources of stress and practice stress reduction techniques.
Life Skills:
This group focuses on promoting the individual's level of independent functioning through providing skill training activities, i.e. money management, job hunting, study skills.
Group members will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of recreational activities that promote stamina, endurance and physical fitness.
Work Skills:
Group members will learn to identify and further develop their work and/or academic interests and skills through a personalized program.
Personal Problem Solving:
This group will focus on enhancing self-awareness, personal development and problem solving skills.
Psychoeducation and Symptom Management:
These are educational groups that aim to increase group members' knowledge about their illness, treatment, and management.
Leisure Planning:
This group will focus on planning for the productive and enjoyable use of free time.
Family Education and Support Group:
This is a 9 session group for family members that runs each fall and spring. Topics include:
Week #
- The Family Experience
- The Nature, Course and Causes of Schizophrenia
- Medications: How they Work, Side Effects and Ocompliance
- Relapse Prevention and Long Term Outcome
- The Caregiver Experience
- Setting Realistic Goals and Having Realistic Expectations
- Creating a Low Stress Environment
- Dealing with Crises
- Community Resources and looking towards the Future
Psychiatrists, GP's Mental health workers referring patients to the Program
Please call the:
Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Day Program
Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre - UBC Pavilions
2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, B. C. V6T 2B5

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